Setting the tone for self-respect and dignity!
I don’t care anymore
Why should I shrink myself to make you whole
Why should I tiptoe in fear of your unstable disposition
Get lost
I don’t deserve your chaos
I don’t deserve your disrespect
You don’t know who you are dealing with
Test me and you will find out what being in hell feels like
Try me and you will drown in my cascading waterfall of shock and bewilderment
Yes, I may be kind
Yes, I may be nice
Indeed, I may be calm
But that can all change in a flicker of a switch
Don’t ever assume I will be subservient to your ego
Don’t ever think I will let you disrespect my time and energy without consequence from the Divine
You think my patience is an opportunity to press my buttons but get surprised when you get electrified
Don’t get taken aback for you had it coming
You pushed me to the edge and now expect my attention and deliverance
Well guess what, your time is up and Karma has arrived
I will no longer put up with your energy of drama and lies
My boundaries are firmly set for I need to protect my aura from your contaminated spirit
No longer will I keep changing myself to please you
No more wasted time and effort in trying to make you happy for your dark matter has no end in sight
I will no longer drown with you in the sea of sorrow and sadness
I will walk away from your circus of chaos and let you figure your way out
Goodbye, for I have now chosen my self-respect and boundaries