The antidote to the virus thoughts of fear
You have come with your virus of fear
Descending upon this fragile earth for they have forgotten their divine powers
You come in search of the weak and feeble
Spitting your lies of terror
Inflicting wounds of illusion
You tell them they are bound by your virus
You cage them with your spiritual weapons of treachery
You spread your proclamation of the death and doom-like wildfire
You occupy space in media touting your minute to minute reports of fear
You shut down institutions, events and cancel day to day life for they have forgotten who has the ultimate power
I will not submit
I will not hear your lies
I will not consume your terror
I will rise up
My kingdom has announced your demise
I will spread hope and light
I will remind those who have lost their sight
I will speak the words of everlasting life upon those who have muted the voice of God
I will gently guide those who have fallen off track
I will remind them who they are under God
I will whisper the words of life for they are divine and divinity never bows down to fear
You may have come with your virus of fear
But I have arrived with my elixir of faith