I am done waiting on YOU!

Aden Eyob
2 min readJan 4, 2020


Choosing the path of light and bidding you farewell…

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

I am done waiting on you
I will no longer pine over the love we never had
I have danced with your shadow for many lifetimes but now I will leave the floor with my self-respect and light restored
I am no longer going to live in the perpetual wait of your return for you were never mine, to begin with
Your calculated lies and mind games have come to an end for I will no longer hear your noise
I am moving on with my self-love and dignity
I allowed you to toil with my self-worth, letting you control my value but this ends now
I will no longer fight for the scraps of your attention and dark love for I am enough to be loved as I am
You think you can play chess with my heart and get away with it but your demise has been announced
I am no longer the weak girl in search of love
I am no longer the silent girlfriend who allows your transgressions to define my identity and self-worth
I am no longer willing to believe in your tainted version of love. I will choose to reside in solitude until the Divine brings me the love that I deserve
I will choose myself over your false love
I will choose my self-respect over your ego
I will no longer chase after you for my eyes have been led to see the light of peace
I will no longer hold myself hostage to your empty promises and actions for I am worth more than what you can offer
I will choose to surrender my need of you to the Divine
I will move on with my life with my inner peace and joy intact
You will no longer reside in my heart and mind for your subscription has expired
Today I have chosen the path of light and bid you farewell

Aden Eyob is the clinical neuroscientist and author of the upcoming book, The Book on Mind Training: The Secret for Positive Living. Connect and check out her work here. Sign-up for the Mind Medication digest below!



Aden Eyob
Aden Eyob

Written by Aden Eyob

Founder & CEO at Mind Medication. Author. Clinical Neuroscientist. Mindset & NLP Coach. Speaker. Free Spirit. Let’s Chat: aden@mind-medication.com

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