Affirmations of self-love
I am tired of your negative energy
I will not be signing up to your endless cycle of relationship abuse
I will no longer listen to your false lies of romance
I am not going to be lured by your empty amusement and tricks
One night of fun will not lead to a lifetime of love
One night of lust will not lead to a lifetime of pleasure
One moment of you will not lead me to the love of God
I will no longer run into your barren hands, seeking love when the love I need resides within
I will no longer search for romantic love from my space of emptiness
I will no longer fear to be alone for I have been alone, thanks to your deceptive tricks
I will no longer fight the need for solitude and time with my Divine Father for He will feed me the fruits of real love
I am no longer attuned to your newsletter of fake love
I am no longer attending your events of casual encounters
I am done with looking for love in the wrong places
I will stand still and wait for love to come to me
I will not fear the space of silence for that is what will heal my broken pieces
I will no longer fight the urge to be still for in my calmness my peace will be found
I am no longer afraid of being alone in this lifetime or next
After all, it is better to be alone than waste lifetimes chasing ghosts