My Time Will Arrive
It’s not fair but it’s okay
I have watched you destroy my world
I have seen you wreak havoc upon my soul and stayed silent
I have surrendered my fight to let you think you have gained ground
I have mourned my hopes and dreams for far too long
I have cried myself to sleep asking myself WHY
I have risen with pain draped mornings and still found the strength and courage to try again
I have let you throw your best shot of hate, defeat, and destruction for I know your inevitable end is coming
I have seen my life turned upside down
I have gone from comfort to discomfort in a flash
I have lived in decay and destruction but chose to reside in my mental residence of hope and abundance
I have heard your false lies and proclamation of my demise announced but remain mute for my silence will be the weight scale of karma
It’s not fair but it’s okay