I am not here for your bullshit beliefs of war
I will not participate in your misguided ways of retaliation
I am not part of your anger filled sentiments
I am not for your choice of war
I am not part of your chaos driven leadership
I was sent for a higher purpose
I was commanded to love all regardless of race, creed, and emotions
I will not subscribe to your hate-filled newsletters and announcements
War was never the answer
Hate was never the answer
Racism was never the answer
Exclusion of the unknown was never the answer
I will choose to love even when it hurts
I will choose to accept others even when they make mistakes
Who are you to decide who lives and dies?
Who are you to point out the faults of others without looking into your demise?
Who are you to create boundaries of hate when the world belongs to the Divine?
Who are you to ostracise others for fear of an illusion and evil laced propaganda?
I am not here to serve your demonic rituals
I am not here to accept your lawless ways
I have descended here for a higher mission
I am not here to hate but to love without question